Contrast, that is the key word in the music of Iranian-born singer-songwriter, composer, and conductor Sevdaliza, who lives in the Netherlands these days. If her singing sounds hoarse and melancholy, the accompanying music is characterized by a mixture of trip-hop and classical melodies. Sevdaliza’s songs start rhythmically but end in a chaotic climax. Her lyrics are inspired by great novelists and have a philosophical nature. Sevdaliza conjures up identities and fantasies that can hardly be distinguished from reality. In her world everything seems possible and every detail is shaped by sound and imagination. This makes her music dynamic and very vivacious. After the first two EPs that were received to great acclaim, Sevdaliza released her debut album ISON to rave reviews in 2017. To support its release, Sevdaliza is touring Europe, Asia, the US, and Australia in 2018. Her latest album The Calling came out last April.