The one-of-a-kind Australian band Hiatus Kaiyote started out in 2011 and released their first album last year: Tawk Tomahawk. Despite, or rather, in spite of the funny name that debut didn't exactly go unnoticed in the music world. The young band from Melbourne make "future soul", which means the classical influences of Stevie Wonder and Aretha Franklin are fused with the influences of contemporary musicians like Flying Lotus. The band is far ahead of their time. With such a striking sound things can move fast: American singer Erykah Badu already tweeted she is a fan, and members of The Roots also pronounced their interest in Hiatus Kaiyote. Attention is mostly focused on extravagant lead singer Nai Palm. Her outlandish hairdo, piercings and tattoos are all unmistakable, but it is her terrific, completely natural sound that truly impresses.