With the band Quincey, trumpeter Diederik Rijpstra (1982) released the striking album Balcony Of The Irish Turtle in 2010. In that same year, his first album, called Wampum, reached the market. The meaning of Wampum: stringed shells used by native Americans for ceremonial purposes. This indicates they are natural objects of great value. After graduating from the Amsterdam Conservatory, Rijpstra studied at the New School For Jazz in New York, and with this fresh new album he immediately made name as another one of those darn new trumpeters. This year, he will perform with Ayanna Witter-Johnson, a young vocalist/cellist, who characterizes her own style as "blues, soul, folk, jazz and classical music." In 2010 she won the legendary Amateur Night at the famed Apollo Theater. Wampum also consists of young stars Harmen Fraanje (piano), Clemens van der Feen (bass) and Joost Lijbaart (drums).